Quarter Can help you in preparing business plan for your new business idea that can be used by you as a guideline while you start your new venture. Our professional created business plans are also approved to be submitted to a prospective investor, or to following authorities.
Business plans and feasibility studies are analysis and decision-making tools used by companies. Feasibility studies are used to determine whether a proposed action has a high enough probability of success that it should be undertaken. Business plans are blueprints for implementing actions that have already been deemed feasible by the company's management.
Business plans map out the direction a company intends to take to reach its revenue and profit objectives in the future. They are a compilation of numerous decisions made by the management team about how the company should be run. Feasibility studies are designed to provide guidance for one decision. Feasibility studies are often done to decide whether to start the business or not -- whether the likelihood of success is high enough to make the financial risk worthwhile. They can also be used to make decisions about whether to launch a new product in an existing company, or enter a new market -- any activity where there is a question about whether the company should take the action or not. Feasibility studies are sometimes termed cost/benefit analyses because the projected costs of the project are compared to the expected benefits to yield a conclusion.